When I got home tonight M was putting the way the last of the dishes from my scone baking this morning. And my cookie making session this weekend. And dinner dishes from last night. Sometimes the amount we use our kitchen grossly exceeds the amount of space required for setup, staging, storage and stashing. I found this photo awhile back and for some reason just saved it to my desktop. So the little thumbnail of this corner of a kitchen was just staring at me as I avoid my own kitchen, and the last round of dishes that need to be loaded into the dishwasher.
This lovely little appliance just gives me happy kitchen dreams. I love the white – and it’s particularly gorgeous with the stainless and the wood cabinets. But it’s those burners and that extra large oven space(s) that really get me going. I’m getting pretty jazzed about the addition to my sister’s house we’re working on. I’m going to fill it full of beautiful things like this (within reason, of course!) and then just move in. Hope you don’t mind, sis!