Yesterday morning started off a bit frosty, but we got up early anyway, bundled up and headed over to the garden. The little one wasn’t quite awake.
The skies were so blue and everything was blooming. The garden opens two hours before the general admission starts on Wednesdays and Saturdays and in my opinion, those are the best times to go. On Wednesdays you are walking around amongst the gardeners, and on Saturday you’re walking around the tripods – all the camera clubs are out in full force.
This flower reminded me of our newly painted bathroom…
…and these salmon colored tulips are always my favorite.
We always walk over to say good morning to Henry Shaw…
…and the girls seek out the occasional “oops” – like this yellow tulip in a field of purple and white.
If you are anywhere close to this place, this week and the next are ones to visit if tulips make your heart skip a beat or two. Wake up early on a Saturday morning, show up at seven with a cup of coffee and some good walking shoes and your whole weekend outlook will improve.
We are going next Saturday morning, it’s happening. I’m SO sad we had to bail yesterday! But Ethan is really battling allergies…didn’t want to add walking in the cold to the mix. Your pictures are incredible.