F’s been asking me for weeks to make her hair “fancy”. She slept in foam rollers (the ones we purchased to transform E’s longer hair into a frizzy Hermione ‘do one Halloween), but her hair is much finer than E’s super thick tresses, so the rollers slip out over the course of the night, and any remaining curls quickly fall straight by mid morning.
Yesterday I braided her still wet post-shower hair, and so this morning her hair was locked into tight post-braid waves. It was the perfect medium for creating this super quick, super easy wrap around messy braid, since the added kinks helped the hair stay in place as I moved around her head. Next time I think I’ll start on the other side and move clockwise so that the end is located where I usually pin her hair back with a bow. Still, the end result is super cute, and she’s been twirling around the house ever since.