I’ve been doing a “slow build” in my mind on our master bathroom. Most of the changes I want to make are cosmetic and just involve some minor carpentry and paint. The big item for the project is switching out the current pie safe cabinet that is really on its last legs, held together mostly by the hundred coats of paint on it. I’ve had an idea for a teak dresser in its place for awhile – I was thinking of something lower in height, but with deep drawers for towel and toiletry storage. But I’m really digging this chifforobe from West Elm – it’s taller than I was originally thinking for the space, but I like the cabinet on the right hand side – you can do shelves or a hanging rod, and the shelves would be perfect.
To refresh your memory – the partially completed wainscoting would be finished, complete with a plate rail at the top, and some type of shaker style peg installed in regular intervals. I want to hang a few things on the wall – maybe not my hairdryer like in the photo below, but a few beautiful things on display there (that are also functional – like my wooden dry brush and my handmade bathtub ledge that I need to be less subtle in hinting with my husband about).
The lower wainscoting will get an indigo blue on it (like below), with white above the plate rail and on the ceiling. New paint on the underside of the clawfoot tub too – I’m undecided on the direction of that, and want to wait until everything else is in place first.
I mentioned awhile back that I spent some gift money on these towels from Serena and Lily, and they are really beautiful in person. I think they will look great hanging from those pegs.
I’m curious to see if this mirror might work with the wood dresser – if not, I’ll still be looking for a larger mirror that better accommodates someone who is 5′-6″ and someone who is 6′-6″. I should be able to check that out in person when IKEA opens here shortly!
And in case you were worried that the four zillion shells we collected on vacation were going to sit in butter and guacamole tubs on the laundry room counter forever (only M is worried), I do have big plans for them in this room, and I like the way those plans look, at least in my head.
No big moves yet, but this weekend I do want to see the dresser in person, and I’m taking home paint samples from the office – just to try on a few for kicks. The past few weeks of organizing, cleaning and paring down has been nice – it’s freeing up some mental space for moving forward on long dormant projects.
That’s a fun way to go into a new season, and a really fun way to go into a weekend.
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