All photos in this post are by Beth Kirby, as featured in this article on Remodelista, and then spotted again in last month’s Bon Appetit magazine. Drool.
I realize that I’m jumping the gun here a bit on the sequencing of posts about the addition project, and I’m excited to share how things are going on it. But I sat down and made a list of all the things I’m behind on (and that I owe other people), and those posts are fairly far down the list. The first item on that list was “panic”, the second was “sweat”, and the third was “feel incredibly guilty”. Luckily the fourth was “take a deep breath, and let the first three go”. So I’ve done that, and I’ve been chiseling through the list in any spare moment I can snag.
In the meantime, I can still talk in five minute bits and spurts about what I’m daydreaming about these days. Here’s one of them.
Specifically, this range.
I realize that it’s common to think kitchen renovation = appliance planning and shopping, but this overall project, while relatively small in footprint, is a complicated little nut to crack. There a thousand steps that have to happen before an oven is ever installed.
But… there are also lots of things that help keep my energy levels (and focus) up and steady on this project. And part of it is completing some of these little steps along the way – like emailing the structural engineer with a question, or touching base with the contractor on an exterior product.
Or standing at my counter, prepping dinner, imagining the space transformed. We’ve done this a dozen times before, we’ve taken a thousand steps already to this point. I’ve fine-tuned my future vision skills. I can picture the space like it’s already done. There may or may not be a fancy French range in the final go, but it’s coming together in a way that makes me excited.
Fifth on the endless to-do list? “Allow yourself some time to get lost in your own thoughts.” My favorite thing to do.
Love the range, particularly in red. We have a similar knife storage wall magnet that we love – IKEA. Of course, that whole kitchen with its open shelving is lovely. 🙂
I’m really hoping to install a deeper than standard countertop, and want to incorporate a knife slot into that space. I think about knife storage more than is probably normal or healthy!
is that puppy a La Cornue? fabulous.
oops just read your headline. very cool.
I think La Cornue ranges are beautiful, but they are a little too fussy looking for me. There’s something about the simplicity of the Lacanche that is so beautiful, but still different from the big stainless steel powerhouse ranges. I love the white, but the rest of my family laughed at me for it. F was like “seriously mom??? there are 24 colors and you like white??”