I really appreciate all the suggestions and questions, here, and on my instagram post, about things you’d like me to write about this summer. I’ve given myself a little (lighthearted) challenge to post something daily during this first month of summer, leading up to a much-needed and much-anticipated, beach vacation escape. I’m hoping that I can get back into the practice of writing – it’s not unlike the practice of anything else I do. I’ve been reasonably successful at scheduling in time each day / week for cooking good food, exercising, reading for pleasure, etc., that I feel like it’s time to pick up the same practice for the act of writing. It doesn’t have to be lengthy or polished or full of well-lit, well-edited photographs. It just needs to be something.
I wrote down all of your ideas, and the outline filled two pages. If you think of anything else, please let me know. I’ve fleshed the list out with a few ideas of my own. When I publish this post we’ll be on the other side of one of the busiest stretches of life that I’ve think we’ve encountered yet – it’s really stretched from our NYC trip in mid-March through the violin concert and reception last night. E’s done with seventh grade, F’s wrapping up first grade today. We have the glorious look-ahead to a three-day weekend; it couldn’t come at a better time. I have things that I hope to do, but at the top of the list is sleep. Good, hard sleep, on clean white sheets, under a lazily spinning fan, well past the point that daylight and birdsong floods the room. And then, some writing.