I’m currently feeling pretty overwhelmed about the next three weeks. I thought I might take five minutes to write about five things currently going on in my life, and then take a deep breath afterwards. (So I don’t go bananas.)
1. Saturday is the Foodie Feast / Beer Dinner that we participate in every fall. We had a trial run with the group the weekend before last, and everything was so good. I’m on deck for some baking. I have to make 50+ brioche slider buns. I did a trial run and they were well received, so I’m feeling pretty good about that, but it’s still four batches to manage – all that proofing and kneading. I’m also in charge of the baked portion of dessert, so I need to make a dense banana bread – one strong enough to withstand being thrown on a grill, and then topped with an oatmeal stout whipped cream and grilled, caramelized banana. I figure that’s seven loaves minimum, and I’ve got a few dozen bananas ripening in paper bags on my counter as we speak.
2. Both sets of grandparents are also arriving on Saturday because Monday morning is Grandparents Breakfast! This will be the NINTH year that we’ve had grandparents attend. What a gift that is, honestly. I got teary eyed thinking about it the other day. I think it’s because I’ve been missing my grandparents a lot lately. All these projects we’ve been working on – I know they would have enjoyed hearing about them and studying them if they were still here.
3. Excitement about the grandparents aside… I have to host the event, so there’s all that kind of organization going on. And then, Open House at the school right on the heels of the breakfast! I feel like I have list upon list upon list right now, and I’m already not getting enough sleep. (Blaming the debates and late night comedy shows to help me process the current state of politics for that.)
4. Speaking of politics – tell me you are registered to vote! If not, do it today or tomorrow – registration is closing in most states this week. And then clear your calendar for November 8th.
5. Conditional Use Hearing – coming up on the 27th. The sign is up, the agenda is in hand. I’ve been collecting some additional backup support this week, just in case. Hoping to report that it’s smooth sailing, and that November will be a big month for our project. I’ve already got my holiday card idea in mind, and hopefully I can pull it off. (And it’s related to this project, big surprise.)
Five minutes, I did it. What’s keeping you busy, or up late, this October? I miss our chats.
1. Not hosting anything, but I might get roped into helping with a fundraiser for Corinne’s show troupe for dance. The fundraisers are really just a fancy and creative ways of getting parents to give more money to dance stuff.
2. Not happy about this Autumn crap. Im even less happy about Winter.
3. October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. My first one. Still working out how to feel. Mostly just sad, empty, jaded, and angry.
4. Whomever coined the term “terrible 2’s” must not have survived to experience the 3’s because holy crap what a crazy ride! Wouldn’t trade it for anything.
5. I’m registered to vote and plan to go to my designated polling place on November 8th and attempt to cast my ballot between tears (and fits of vomiting). We are SELLING our SOULS to the devil…..but at least the Tigers are playing good football. 😉
Age three was much harder than two, I thought.
October is hard, I agree with you on that one. Sending you love.
I’m actually excited for November 8th to get here, it can’t come soon enough. I’m feeling fairly confident that the sun will still rise on the 9th, but I’m saddened at the state of affairs in this nation, and the division. Let’s not sink to devil talk though. Look at history, it helps. We’ve survived many tough times. We’ll survive this. But it’s not been an enjoyable process, for sure.
And go Tigers!
hearing that you are making brioche slider buns makes me want to reach through my computer and holler, “Dierbergs!” I realize this is a food event, but life’s short and proofing takes forever 🙂 Hang in there. Best part is the grands coming in, for sure. As for the election, oh, my heart.
Haha! Kind of defeats the point of a handmade meal!
We were throwing around dessert ideas, and there was some talk about donuts, and maybe getting a local company to make them, and someone threw out that they’d rather eat a dessert I made, than donuts we bought. Which was very sweet, and also a good reminder of the point here. (So that’s how I ended up with “banana bread” being added to the list!)
Companion to the rescue if it all flops. 😉
It will be fun. At least it’s not 50 mushroom galettes, thank heavens. I thought that might kill me.
Wow – all that baking! The new kitchen can’t come soon enough! And yay on the conditional use hearing – what great progress. My grandma sent me a rambling note in my birthday card this year sort of imploring me to visit her in Albuquerque … I need to go, just finding the time for a weekend away seems daunting. I will make it happen though, this is a good reminder. Cheers – CT
CT recently posted…Paint It Black
I so need my new oven. All our appliances are on their last legs.
Oh October. I keep hearing the lyrics to Cheryl Wheeler’s “When Fall Comes to New England”. The mornings are cold, the sunrise breathtaking, the afternoons warm, but with the sun setting earlier and earlier. I want to hunker down and nest a bit. Instead, it seems every weekend has “something”, or “somethings”.
The election has me in knots, though I am confidently “with her”. Our new kitten makes all laugh at his antics. October is Dodge Poetry Festival, the Fall Social for my two middle schoolers, and I think it is time to get the costumes put together. One astronaut and one Han Solo coming right up. Perhaps some pumpkin carving this weekend will put me in the right frame of mind.
Now that sounds like a good plan.
(We don’t have costume plans yet, but there’s been talk of a garden gnome and a ninja.)
Jumping in late because – October. The oldest child (can I still call her that?) turns 20 today, so it is always a hopeful, exciting month. Found out she will be spending next semester in France last week, so planning for that and missing her already. Homecoming and band for the high schooler, lots of soccer for the middle schooler, trying to remember to stay thankful that they are healthy and happy with all that busyness.
France – how exciting! And yes, happy and healthy and busy are gifts. The girls have the day off today – a lucky coincidence between the two schools, so they are home with dad, lounging and reading (and hopefully readying the house for visitors this weekend).
I still find October a very melancholy month that busyness doesn’t completely distract from. But there are beautiful moments that help.
Good to hear from you.