(sixteen) March 2008. For an advent series that features favorite corners of our house, you know I’m going to include a photo of my little kitchen counter. I’ve always been a pretty creative person, but when we built this kitchen from scratch sixteen years ago, I never considered our kitchen as creative space. We designed it to hold what we thought we needed in order to eat and modestly entertain in our home -and it’s worked just fine for that! It didn’t take too long to realize that I loved working in here. I frequently mutter under my breath at my lack of horizontal space when I’m elbows deep in a culinary project, but then I use the windowsills and the table and the chairs and the dining room (but never the floor, promise), and somehow it works. Look at those cheeks, those floury handprints, her concentration, her personalized apron (!) – my girls love to be in the kitchen. I’m so excited for the next phase of this kitchen adventure, but there’s no way I’m going to send this black laminate countertop to the dumpster. I’ll find something to do with at least part of it – there are too many memories etched into its surface to discard. Last night E made a dessert to share for her French class, last weekend she rolled and sugared 250 cookies to give to families in need and to gift to her teachers. This is a busy corner, and a delicious one, particularly in this season of preparations.
advent (home) / one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven / twelve / thirteen / fourteen / fifteen