(two) June 2003. This is the mantel in our master bedroom. Judging by the date on the photo, I’m guessing we had gone through a few rounds of baby showers and we were starting to pull things together for E’s birth in August. This crib was my baby crib, and we used it at the foot of our bed for the first six-eight weeks of her life. I was rocked in that wicker rocker as well. I love seeing the start of her library collection on the mantel; those square candles being used as bookends were from our wedding. Looking at this picture reminds me of how tiny our footprint was in our house in those early years. We were in the middle of renovating the attic at this point, and the back room on the second floor was our workshop. When I look at this photo, I think of the time the three of us shared this room – a quiet oasis from the sawdust and noise swirling around in the rest of the house.
advent (home) / one
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