1. the growing gift pile and the shrinking to-do list
2. her first big tooth…it’s come in right behind her baby teeth which are still as snug as can be. But we’re expecting some wiggle any day now and a visit from a fairy.
3. the school book fair…it started today and the pile of donated books was piling up nicely on the table by lunchtime. (Plus 20% of all purchases in the store over the weekend will be donated to the school’s library.) So I got to spend the morning hanging out in a bookstore eating scones and trying not to purchase every book in sight. I wasn’t too successful. E’s grandparents and great grandparents added to the pile. (Thanks guys!)
4. the idea percolating in my head for this year’s Christmas card
5. Artist to Artist: 23 Major Illustrators Talk to Children about Their Art…as I first read on Soule Mama. One copy will be safely lodged in the Studio Art section at E’s school and the other will be wrapped up under the tree for the lucky lady. Take time to read the review at the link above, and get a taste of the inspiration inside this beautiful, thick book.
6. our yearly tradition of painting ornaments…the girl’s a factory when it comes to paint and ceramics.

7. not one, but TWO playdates with buddy O
8. magnatiles – wonderful magnatiles
1. Hot Chocolate Season; 2. the items i got at E’s School Book Fair; 3. my new step bench for exercising at home; 4. hosting my first thanksgiving; 5. showing off my house to my family at my first in-house thanksgiving; 6. having laundry in the house (sister reminded me in her unfortunate laundry tending experience over the weekend); 7. being (cross my fingers) a third through the ARE; 8. time to relax; 9. D’s cooking; 10. hot chocolate.
1.A flea free house 2. Two napping children 3. An upcoming shopping trip 4.AP’s anticipation about seeing E 5. A relaxing weekend on the farm (well maybe not so relaxing, but fun) 6. C sleeping almost through the night. 7. A very excited birthday girl. 8. Enjoying a little less hectic Christmas schedule without work 9. 94.5 Christmas music all the time already 10. The Christmas holiday…and did I mention…two sleeping kids!! Well..I just heard AP!!
1. PBS Kids Sprout via digital cable; 2. the internet – for all that shopping I still have to do; 3. iPod/iTunes to keep me entertained at work; 4. my new running group http://www.seemommyrun.com; 5. Snapfish; 6. flannel; 7. white hair on little boys (so adorable); 8. fun blogs to read; 9. finally having no more bangs (gosh that took forever); 10. a handy husband.
1. Believe it or not – turning 40; 2. My brothers and sisters (all 9 of them);
3. My daughter’s school, through whom I have met great friends;
4. My friends;
5. A new house that will one day be a great house;
6. A job that I actually like and enjoy going to every (most)day(s);
7. Sharing in the daily discoveries and experiences of a 5 year old, they change continually;
8. Lighting the fireplace every night;
9. My new kitchen;
10. My car is currently working.