My favorite tally girl made this chart for me this weekend. I guess she got tired of asking me if my side felt better and just figured I could quietly mark my daily status on the chart every morning. Except I kept forgetting to fill it out, so she added the small post-it which said “Please Remember This” in an exasperated sort of way like, gee whiz, all you have to do is sit like a lump on the couch and read books while we run the household and bring you beautiful, nutritious meals and snacks up two long flights of stairs every few hours and refill your water glass and pat you lovingly on the knee a lot and all I ask in return is that you make a simple tally mark to let me know how you feel. So I started remembering to tally, but that apparently wasn’t interesting enough, so she added the prediction chart at the bottom. Two tally marks – now that’s asking a bit much.
I suppose that I could contribute my slow and steady recovery to sitting slow and steady for four days, but I like to think that I made a sort of miraculous break through yesterday, because… well… because it was yesterday. Yesterday was a good day. Even with the side aches, and the stomach flu and the stay-at-home blues. It was a very good day.
And now we’re back at it, and glad that the week is almost over again. Sitting around doing nothing but tallying can sure wear a girl out.
And thanks for all the nice emails and phone calls. They made the time go by a bit faster!