Rough week around here. In the good news category the glucose and iron test were fine, and the doctor was happy that I was inching up on the scales. But the baby has developed a definite pattern in its movements – all night, every night. And they are strong and they are constant and they make it very difficult to sleep. It’s fun to watch every night before E goes to bed – we lay on her bed and watch my stomach rise and fall and pulse and transform – it’s quite the show. A few hours later, when I’m trying to sleep, it’s a different story. The baby rocks me, it rocks the bed. And it still has another five pounds or so to put on, so it’s only going to get stronger. We’ve got another ultrasound in about ten days to determine if the fluid level is low, as it was in my first pregnancy. That may be one of the reasons the movements are so pronounced and so disruptive. In the meantime, it’s taking a lot of deep breathing and reminders to myself that this child is just doing what it is supposed to be doing, and I should revel in those kicks and jabs (even the ones that knock me off the bed for the tenth time in a night).
It’s taking a lot of deep breathing, let me tell you…