After years of prefacing most of my conversations with things like “So, today at work I was listening to NPR and…” or “On the way home they were doing this story on NPR…”, M finally pointed out (nicely) that I could just leave those leading lines out of my story because by now they were understood. I’m a self-proclaimed NPR junkie, although I don’t listen to it all day long like I once did. Now that E is getting older she is starting to request “music, any music please, as long as it’s not someone talking” when we are in the car. And now that I’m getting older, my tolerance for the same crappy music and four billion commercials is waning. Occasionally there’s a compromise – usually when there’s the kind of gripping storytelling going on during a show like “This American Life”, and then I wonder if perhaps the content might just be a little bit too much for her. But at least she’s not sighing about the talking, and I’m not left singing the same Katy Perry line over and over in my head for the next three days.
Apparently my mother also knows my affinity for public radio. She was helping a friend sort through and get rid of a house full of things prior to a move and saw this mug and knew exactly who the new owner should be. Now I can just lift my glass of coffee before starting a story at work, and be already halfway through it before I even open my mouth.
I did notice the mug yesterday…
I was the same as E when I was younger, on car trips I’d ask for music but the parents got veto power.
I’m very jealous of the new mug! I find myself prefacing LOTS of stories with “I was listening to NPR….”