This morning F and I met up with two friends (one big, one little) for breakfast and a stroll around the garden. It was a Saturday morning with sun! And warmth! And a gentle breeze! And no rain! So we were just a little giddy about being outside among the flowers.
The last of the tulips…
…and the high point of the azaleas.
And of course, the iris. F found a leaf along the way and used it to point out every single flower I should be studying and photographing. I love this photo because it perfectly captures her way: the confident leader, a little bossy with the pointing and demanding, and looking over her shoulder occasionally to make sure we are all doing exactly what we are supposed to be doing.
She’s also a bit of a running-ahead-blur these days, and climbing on everything. If I had a nickel for every time I asked her to please, not climb, could you stop climbing, get down from there now, I’d be a wealthy, wealthy lady and I’d spend it all on beautiful chairs and a personal gardener.
One place she did not climb was here (thank goodness), but you could see the wheels turning while she watched.
And – my favorite pincushion gardens were going in! They embody the perfect amount of obsessiveness that I admire in my foliage displays.
It was a lovely day to be here – let’s hope this is the start to many, many more perfect Saturdays.